Monday, November 29, 2010


I got an SMS from J Lucas Reyes regarding this engagement session in the middle of a really hectic week. I never knew I would still be part of this shoot because JLR and I were just texting each other about it so casually. As he was telling me the plot, I said,"It sounds like it came from a film!" "Yes, Serendipity! LOL!", he replied. The bad part was, I haven't seen the Serendipity and I ended up buying a copy two days prior to the shoot just so that I can make a wardrobe list for the couple & a shoot list for JLR. The first draft I made was based on the synopsis I found on the wiki, ha ha!

Looking at the photos now, I can't believe it turned out the way we wanted it to be! Shot with available light and with only just one camera, the 'film' is written all over this shoot, and more! Well done, JLR! :-)

See the rest of this Filmtastic™ goodness here.

Filmtastic™ is only available in Photographs by J Lucas Reyes.
No Waiting. No Limitations. No Fears. Film Without The Negatives.



For details on how to work with Vatel Manila & J. Lucas Reyes, please send your enquiry to or to (+63).919.8363620. Thank you!

We're featuring engagement session shoots as a prelude to the wedding photos to show our readers how couples prepare for their big day. We also feature the photographers involved as they share with us their thoughts on the shoot. If you want your own e-session to be featured on this blog, get in touch with us! :-)

Friday, November 26, 2010


First there were 10. And then there were 5. And 1 Supplier of the Year to rule them all. Ha ha! Congratulations, Rejectkrew! A well-deserved win! :-)

Vatel Manila warmly expresses its profuse gratitude to the W@W Community for the honor it has bestowed upon us! For a young company, you have given us recognition that has far exceeded even our own expectations. Again, thank you!

Congratulations, too, to all our co-suppliers! Yipee!:-)

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. To God Be The Glory.


We had the rare chance of bringing together family and friends to an intimate dinner at my workplace, The Mango Farm, last November 21, 2010. The occasion was actually a post-birthday dinner, but as you may all know by now, this and then this happened (both on my birthday month at that!), so the dinner turned out to be more than what was originally planned. I would have wanted to invite more, but it would have been so difficult to manage such a large group (I wouldn't want to do an event that would have required me to get an OTD coordinator, LOL!). Doing the seat plan was a nightmare though (quite literally as I oftentimes wake up with the seat plan draft lying beside me), but it was all worth the effort! :-)

We wish to thank everyone who made it and stayed until the end! Thank you, Mike, for letting me use the Farm for this event. Thank you, Kaye Cunanan & Lace Tan, for helping make the setup really, really awesome! I have always wanted to do a SoCal setup and I can't believe it was done for my own dinner, yipeee! Thank you, Kel + Mar of MyPhotato, for the AVP and for the really, really SoCal photos. You really got the feel that I wanted (although I haven't really verbalized this beforehand). To friends from the wedding industry, thank you for taking the time to join me in this wonderful evening. To former couples (now friends), thank you for honoring me with your presence. To friends from my former office, I super miss you all! Thanks for coming! To family and loved ones, thank you for sharing the love! :-)

To those who couldn't make it and wrote me, thank you! It could have been double the fun if you were there. At least we have the photos below to remind you of what you missed, tee hee! :-)

Party photos to follow. :-)

See the rest of the set here.

All photos by MyPhotato
c/o Kel + Mar Laquindanum
Mobile: 09172416485
Landline: 7767242


I kinda knew this was coming (Canon 7D + action poses = video!). The MyPhotato brothers are just full of surprises!. Thank you very much, Kel + Mar, for this wonderful, heartwarming gift of an AVP! <3

Dylan ♥ Vatel Manila from Kel MyPhotato on Vimeo.

Video by MyPhotato
c/o Kel + Mar Laquindanum
Mobile: 09172416485
Landline: 7767242


Here's another über pretty set of photos from my merienda cena by J Lucas Reyes. He wrote a really touching introduction in his Facebook which I am reposting here:

Last night, my prenup partner in crime, Dylan Gozum of Vatel Manila, threw an elegant, intimate, early dinner thanksgiving party with close friends, family, and friends in the wedding industry. Knowing Dylan, the setup was incredibly simple and amazing at the same time, it was just begging to be shot.

Later on in the party, it was such a warm surprise knowing from his inner circle how celebrated and well loved this humble, talented man is, for the little big things beyond his impeccable talent in styling flowers. Kudos Dyl! Cheers to more blessed years to come.


Thank you so much for this, J! I am very happy to have been blessed with friends like you. May God continue to bless you and your family! :-)

Had a photoshoot with our official photographers, brothers Kel + Mar of MyPhotato, prior to dinner. This was their idea, ha ha!

Meleen Rodriguez-Carlos, wedding blogger (The Wedding Enthusiast), arrives.

Right: Catherine Reyes, J Lucas Reyes' beloved.

Until now, I still don't know who gifted me with the flan & pastries.

We also got gummy worms / rings, bags of Mini Nips, & Curly Tops (which was such a hit!). For dessert, we chose our favorites: Kiwi Panna Cotta & Fruit Compote. We also added peaches, which is our all-time favorite fruits. Thanks to Cyrus Marasigan & Jops Justiniano for the delectable cream puffs! :-)

The dessert / candy bar. Thanks for this pretty table, Lace! :-)

Me, Cat-Cat, & Armi Andrade-Cagasan, our first Boracay bride (we've finally met!). Right: Kaye Cunanan's generous gift of Pork Crackling Wrap. Thank you, Kaye! :-)

Lace Tan wrote the menu on this really cute blackboard; Spinach + Feta Cheese Ravioli with Marinara Sauce dip was passed around as guests milled about.

Me, Jaja Samaniego & Dominic Barrios of Imagine Nation.

Mahros Abaño, a friend from my former office, is now serving the nation as a public school teacher. She's our resident Pinoy Pop Culture Wiz, he he!

Dhang Rondael of SPi, my former office, & Jaime Santos of GMA7.

Macel Tirol of Residencia Boracay & Mike Santos of The Mango Farm.

Lace Tan's special Kleenex moment. :-)

Guests looting the candy bar.

Yey! Finally had a photo with J Lucas Reyes and his beautiful wife, Cat-Cat!

That's me and my dog, Turnip, who's been following me around all day.

From L to R: Filbert & Mishi Tolentino, Jaja Samaniego, me, Dominic Barrios, Joannie Candi, J Lucas Reyes, Cat-Cat Reyes, Lace Tan, & Mike Santos.

Happy, happy day! Thank you very much for all those who were able to make it! :-)

Thank you so much, J Lucas Reyes, for these lovely, lovely photographs!

Filmtastic™ is only available in Photographs by J Lucas Reyes.
No Waiting. No Limitations. No Fears. Film Without The Negatives.


Mobile: (+63).919.8363620


-- Post ongoing. --