This is what we love about not being limited to what we put on the contract because any time we see something we could use, we can use it without getting scared of the consequences. Then again, if this is how consequences turn out to be, then please - by all means - allow us to break a few rules. :-)

P.S. We've heard of horror stories about peonies last December (how they looked wilted and all that jazz), but just to make it clear: Manila gets its supply of peonies from two continents. From June to early September, we fly in peonies from Europe. From late November to mid December, we get our supplies from New Zealand.
Owing probably to different growing conditions (weather, soil), the quality is never the same. For one, those coming from Europe arrive here as a small bulb (like an onion). They need to be kept in the fridge for a week for them to swell to a certain proportion before they can be of any use.
Now, those from New Zealand arrive here looking like a huge fluffy ball from Toy Kingdom so along the way, it's possible that they may have been stressed or what so they won't be looking like that in the photos as expected. The white peonies are the most sensitive of the lot. In fact, last December alone, I rejected and shredded several white peonies as they fell apart even before they can be used which is really sad because they're so bloody expensive, too. What I do is I tug at the petals rather vigorously to see if they pull out easily (I call it my own version of the stress test; most florists just feel the base of the bulb, which really doesn't say much). So if the petals pull out easily, the whole flower is immediately rejected.
At any rate, your favorite florist should be able to tell you that (like I am now, assuming of course that I am your favorite! Naks!) so just in case, you already know what to expect. Okay? Okay. :-)
Dylan! You are my favorite florist! ;-)
Dylan!!! :) You are OUR favorite! ;-)
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