Thursday, January 27, 2011


We've already written about this before, but it doesn't tire us to relay the story again & again because it's really just too awesome how things have fallen into place in just a span of twelve months. Last year, one of our heart's most fervent wishes was answered: to be featured in a major wedding magazine by 2011. But what do you know, not only were we featured in a major magazine in 2011, we were also featured in 2010! Moral of the story: Be careful about what you wish for (oh, you get the drift!). Truly, our God moves in mysterious and amazing ways. :-)

Vatel Manila wishes to thank the Wedding Essentials Editorial Board (Mss. Marbie & Kitten): you have no idea how you've raised our spirits (think Cloud 9!). You inspire us to continue the good things that we already do.

To the article's writer, Aurelio Icasiano III: for your sensitive, heart-warming, and very informative way of writing, we thank you! Keep on writing about the good stuff! :-)

We are stoked to be in the same magazine as some of our favourite wedding suppliers (who would have thought that the stylish couple who was egging us to smile during the Marriott shoot was, for crying out loud, THE Electrolychee! Aaaaiiieee, can we just die right now?!). Happy, happy to be in the same lineup as new friends, videographer Kris Matanguihan & cabalen Paolo Feliciano (whose interior photos we have so long admired). Super thrilled, too, to see the one, the only Jeff & Lisa Llarena of Jeff & Lisa Photography (the writer of your feature, Maggie Costello, was a school mate! Her sister, Katie, and I were in the same class in high school). The article on design tips featuring the work of the Details Diva, Ernest Pascual, is a must read!

We thank The Mango Farm; our dreams were planted and continue to be nourished in its most fertile soil.

To our fellow wedding suppliers: we always look forward to spending time with you during every wedding that we do together. Thank you for the most warm welcome, and for continuing to support us! Rest assured that we will do our very best to support you, too, in any way we can! :-)

We thank all our couples, both past & present: you inspire us to achieve greater things. :-)

We are truly honored, we are thrilled, we are are humbled. From the bottom of our heart, thank you very much, Wedding Essentials! God bless and More Power!

A.M.D.G. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!


Crae Achacoso said...

Hi sir Dylan, WE love you too! <3 See you on the 26th!

expert's advise said...

A very well deserved feature on this "major major" wedding magazine! And well written too! Congrats Dylan! :)

C said...

The feature is so you, D! :) Weeeeeee! :) Congrats! :)

Meg said...

This is so bongga, Dylan! I am so happy for you, Kris and Ernest. Good job! =) I'll ask my brother to send me a copy of WE here. =)

Vanessa said...

Bravo, Dylan! :) Kudos to you and your hardworking team. I'm sure you're still on cloud 9 :) God bless!


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