Friday, March 11, 2011


How times have changed. The usual prenup session at La Mesa Dam (do I see eyes rolling?) has now given way to more and more exciting shoots in far-flung places. And the effort poured into this exercise has definitely doubled (no more Sunday clothes, thank you very much). Now's the day and age where couples hit the shops (malls or segunda mano stores) for clothes that actually match and complement a theme.

In the beginning, like Jeff & Edz, most couples really have no clear concept in mind for their shoot. Done in the middle of a really busy month (December!) just two months to their wedding, Jeff & Edz were beset with obstacles that made them decide to abandon their Plan-A options and choose Subic as their shoot location.

Methinks it was all providential as proven by these photos, and how! With a surprise side trip to a local carnival ('perya') to boot, Jeff & Edz's shoot channeled the right kind of vintage feel that they really were aiming for. As we always say here in Vatel Manila, Plan B's almost always turn out to be better! Kudos, too, to the styling team for this very well-put together shoot! Enjoy the photos, everyone! :-)



Thank you, Jeff & Edz, for sharing with us your beautiful photographs! :-)

Location: Subic Bay Freeport Zone
Styling: Aisa Aguirre Ipac assisted by Mitch Crisologo
Photography: Christine Day Lorico (She also blogs here)
HMUA: Bambi dela Cruz-Dimapilis

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