I have nothing but heart-warming memories of this wedding. Why, we even remember all the special dates! May 22 of this year, Bride Katrina decided to stalk us (Ha ha, just kidding!). In June, she booked K. by Cunanan, everyone's favorite caterer, & Jeff & Lisa, one of our super favorite photographer-partners. At that point, I already felt that Kat & Paul are going to have one really special wedding. We would talk about her preps via Facebook Chat, exchange long emails. By July, barely two months after their wedding, they were featured in Bridal Book even before their wedding photos got blogged by their photographers.
Looking back, this wedding makes us smile for several reasons, but foremost among those was the fact that this was one happy wedding. Yep. Happy. We know all weddings are, at varying degrees, happy, but this wedding had hitches along the way: distance (both were doing their preps from New Jersey), difficulty getting a printer (they DIY-ed their invites), had to deal with a father-in-law-zilla (how can we forget? LOL!), and on the day itself, rain fell like there was no tomorrow. Any other bride with a weaker constitution would have cried, freaked out, smashed vases (okay, okay, that was exaggeration!) but Bride Kat showed so much restraint: she's obviously someone who's grown around strong women.
It's reassuring to know that cultures around the world have no fight with the rain come wedding day. For the Chinese, this is a lucky sign. The Italians, as expected, express it rather amusingly,"Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata" (A wet bride is a lucky bride). The French say,"Mariage pluvieux, mariage heureux" (Rainy wedding, happy wedding). So really, who cares about the rain anymore when you have so much love going around? :-)
Paul & Kat, you will be terribly missed. Thank you for the caring, the understanding, and the trust that you gave us. It was an honor working for, and with you. So as they say in Cajun French fashion,"Laissez les bons temps rouler!" Let the good times roll! :-)

Read Jeff & Lisa's blog entry here.See the feature on this wedding in Bridal Book.
Preps: Seven Suites
Ceremony: The Mango Farm
Reception: The Mango Farm
Photographer: Jeff & Lisa Photography
Videographer: Mervin Gobaco for MG Digital
Food: K. by Cunanan Catering
Planner: Darlene Tan-Salazar for Perfect 10 Weddings
MUA: Chichi Sotomil
Entourage Flowers: Dylan Gozum for Vatel Manila
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