Sunday, February 19, 2012


How awesome is this concept?! Upon the request of Weddings@Work founders, Abet & Benz Rana, photographer Benjie Tiongco set out to do the previously impossible: to cover a wedding from start to finish - literally.

A normal afternoon wedding coverage has a call time of around 10-11AM, but Benjie was already shooting at 11,30PM - the day before! We even recall Benjie texting us at around 2AM asking permission to shoot us while working, but we were already Dreamland-bound by then since we finished our arrangements by midnight. By 8,30AM, we were already waiting for him to arrive at Sofitel to cover our arrival since we got there first. After shooting our segment, we bade him goodbye and good luck and the rest is history. We have to give it to Benjie for his great curiosity & passion: something that young people still surprisingly possess in this day and age.

As we wrote on our Facebook page, we hope that this set help bring more appreciation for the things we do for our couples. Yes, we do get paid for it, but we work with our minds & hearts 100% focused on bringing you our best. Enjoy the coverage here. ^_^

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